68k Instruction Reference

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This page documents all Motorola 68000‏ instructions, as well as their execution times. When instruction timings are shown, they are usually in the format of x(r/w), where x is the total number of processor cycles required for the instruction, and r/w is the total read and write cycles required for the instruction.

Instruction timings include instruction fetches, operand reads, as well as operand writes.

Address Calculation Times

It is important to remember that most instructions alter some form of memory, and thus, must calculate the address that will be accessed, which usually incurs extra processor cycles. The two columns "Byte/Word" and "Long" contain a number followed by two numbers in parenthesis. The number outside the parenthesis indicates the total number of processor cycles required, while the two numbers inside the parenthesis indicate the number of read and write cycles are required.

Timings include fetching of extension words, address computation, as well as fetching of memory operands.

Addressing Mode Byte/Word Long
Dn Data Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0)
An Address Register Direct 0(0/0) 0(0/0)
(An) Address Register Indirect 4(1/0) 8(2/0)
(An)+ Address Register Indirect with post-increment 4(1/0) 8(2/0)
d(An) Address Register Indirect with displacement 8(2/0) 12(3/0)
d(An, ix) Address Register Indirect with index 10(2/0) 14(3/0)
#xxx.W Absolute Short 8(2/0) 12(3/0)
#xxx.L Absolute Long 12(3/0) 16(4/0)
d(PC) Program Counter with displacement 8(2/0) 12(3/0)
d(PC, ix) Program Counter with index 10(2/0) 14(3/0)
#xxx Immediate 4(1/0) 8(2/0)

Move Instruction Execution Times

Note: The size of the index register (ix) does not affect the instruction execution time.

Byte and Word

Dn An (An) (An)+ -(An) d(An) d(An, ix) #xxx.W #xxx.L
Dn 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 14(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
An 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 8(1/1) 12(2/1) 14(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1)
(An) 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
(An)+ 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)
-(An) 10(2/0) 10(2/0) 14(2/1) 14(2/1) 14(2/1) 18(3/1) 20(4/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1)
d(An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
d(An, ix) 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1) 24(4/1) 22(4/1) 26(5/1)
#xxx.W 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
#xxx.L 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1) 26(5/1) 24(5/1) 28(6/1)
d(PC) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1) 22(4/1) 20(4/1) 24(5/1)
d(PC, ix) 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 18(3/1) 22(4/1) 24(4/1) 22(4/1) 26(5/1)
#xxx 8(2/0) 8(2/0) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 12(2/1) 16(3/1) 18(3/1) 16(3/1) 20(4/1)


Dn An (An) (An)+ -(An) d(An) d(An, ix) #xxx.W #xxx.L
Dn 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 16(2/2) 18(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
An 4(1/0) 4(1/0) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 12(1/2) 16(2/2) 18(2/2) 16(2/2) 20(3/2)
(An) 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
(An)+ 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)
-(An) 14(3/0) 14(3/0) 22(3/2) 22(3/2) 22(3/2) 26(4/2) 28(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2)
d(An) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2)
d(An, ix) 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2) 32(5/2) 30(5/2) 34(6/2)
#xxx.W 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2)
#xxx.L 20(5/0) 20(5/0) 28(5/2) 28(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(6/2) 34(6/2) 32(6/2) 36(7/2)
d(PC) 16(4/0) 16(4/0) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2) 30(5/2) 28(5/2) 32(5/2)
d(PC, ix) 18(4/0) 18(4/0) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 26(4/2) 30(5/2) 32(5/2) 30(5/2) 34(6/2)
#xxx 12(3/0) 12(3/0) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 20(3/2) 24(4/2) 26(4/2) 24(4/2) 28(5/2)

Standard Instruction Execution Times

The number of processor clocks shown in this table indicate the time required to perform the operations, store the results, and to read the next instruction. When indicated by a +, the effective address calculation time must be added to the time required for the instruction itself.

Headings in the table have the following meanings:

  • An = Address register operand
  • Dn = Data register operand
  • ea = Operand specified by effective address
  • M = Memory operand
Size op<ea>, An^ op<ea>, Dn op Dn, <M>
ADD B, W 8(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
L 6(1/0)+** 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
AND B, W - 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
L - 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
CMP B, W 6(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ -
L 6(1/0)+ 6(1/0)+ -
DIVS - - 158(1/0)+* -
DIVU - - 140(1/0)+* -
EOR B, W - 4(1/0)*** 8(1/1)+
L - 8(1/0)*** 12(1/2)+
MULS - - 70(1/0)+* -
MULU - - 70(1/0)+* -
OR B, W - 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
L - 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
SUB B, W 8(1/0)+ 4(1/0)+ 8(1/1)+
L 6(1/0)+** 6(1/0)+** 12(1/2)+
  • +: Add effective address calculation time to specified instruction execution time.
  • ^: Word or long only
  • *: Maximum value (worst case)
  • **: Base time of six clocks is increased to eight if the effective address mode is register direct or immediate (effective address calculation time should also be added)
  • ***: The only available effective address mode is data register direct


The divide algorithm that is implemented in the 68000 gives a less than 10% time difference between best and worst case timings.


The multiplication algorithm implemented requires 38+2n clocks, where n is defined as:

  • MULU: n = the number of ones in the <ea>
  • MULS: n = concatanate the <ea> with a zero as the LSB; n is the resultant number of 10 or 01 patterns in the 17-bit source; i.e., worst case happens when the source is $5555

Immediate Instruction Execution Times

The number of processor clocks shown in this table indicate the time required to fetch the immediate operands, perform the operations, store the results, and to read the next instruction. When indicated by a +, the effective address calculation time must be added to the time required for the instruction itself.

Size op #, Dn op #, An op #, <M>
ADDI B, W 8(2/0) - 12(2/1)+
L 16(3/0) - 20(3/2)+
ADDQ B, W 4(1/0) 8(1/0)* 8(1/1)+
L 8(1/0) 8(1/0) 12(1/2)+
ANDI B, W 8(2/0) - 12(2/1)+
L 16(3/0) - 20(3/1)+
CMPI B, W 8(2/0) - 8(2/0)+
L 14(3/0) - 12(3/0)+
EORI B, W 8(2/0) - 12(2/1)+
L 16(3/0) - 20(3/2)+
MOVEQ L 4(1/0) - -
ORI B, W 8(2/0) - 12(2/1)+
L 16(3/0) - 20(3/2)+
SUBI B, W 8(2/0) - 12(2/1)+
L 16(3/0) - 20(3/2)+
SUBQ B, W 4(1/0) 8(1/0)* 8(1/1)+
L 8(1/0) 8(1/0) 12(1/2)+
  • +: Add effective address calculation time to specified instruction execution time.
  • ^: Word only

Single Operand Instruction Execution Times

The number of processor clocks shown in this table indicate the time required for the single operand instructions. When indicated by a +, the effective address calculation time must be added to the time required for the instruction itself.

Size Register Memory
CLR B, W 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
L 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
NBCD B 6(1/0) 8(1/1)+
NEG B, W 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
L 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
NEGX B, W 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
L 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
NOT B, W 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
L 6(1/0) 12(1/2)+
SCC B, false 4(1/0) 8(1/1)+
B, true 6(1/0) 8(1/1)+
TAS B 4(1/0) 10(1/1)+
TST B, W 4(1/0) 4(1/0)+
L 4(1/0) 4(1/0)+